Friday, December 10, 2010

What are you proud of -Prompt

What I'm proud of in Globaloria is how to make movie clips and how to publish some files and upload them.Also want am proud of is that am getting much better in my us of computers and how to make my wiki more fun to look at.Another things is helping my Friends on work they need.Also am proud about the topic and the gender I choose to make the game that me and my partner Victor and will are going to make the game with the idea he has.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Lottery

The movie was about how the real poor people can't had to get there kids by lottery in the school.And sometimes they would get in but sometimes they won't.Another thing they did was that the kids from 4&5 grade that were failing they would make a prison that would hold the amount of students who were not passing.And also a white kid who is in 8 grade is smart as a kid that is Latino or African America that is on the 12 grade.And in the last seven year they had to cosed about 50-60 high schools that were failing on there subjects.Some people are real mad at how that how there kid gets pick in the school.And some parents thing that education is not really important.

Friday, December 3, 2010

What are you reading?

What am reading is about how slaves were treated and how they were fords to go in the boot and in bad climate.People die in there because there was no food or water and they were real tit in there and you could not seat down or stand up because all the people they put in there.And when they got there they would take them to a Negro market.And the people who were more health they take them to market were they could buy better people to work for them.And the ones who were not that heatlh they would be sold in the street or
in a cheep market. 

The name of the book is:North Star To Freedom

Thursday, December 2, 2010

New Schedule-Prompt

I do like the new schedule because we get to meet new people and not being in the same group and it is pretty cool.And I like also because I go to different classes at different time.Also I steal have some classes with my old friends and with friends from different classes.Another thing that I also like that some of my classes are smaller so is much easier to get to know other people.Even if I don't have classes with some of my other friends is steal a cool schedule.
And that other classes are bigger and is awesome.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Imagen Your Own Game

Review your work from Choosing a Topic and restate your topic idea here.

My Topic is: Global Warming

What 2 game genres do you think would allow you to explore this topic in a fun and engaging way?

Genre 1:Racing

Genre 2: Action

Imagine and describe one game idea that incorporate your topic into one of these genres.

My game idea is: That you have to race to win money so you can donated the money to companies that are trying to stop Global Warming.And that if you don't win the race that world gets hot and all the world burns.And if you win somebody is going to try to bite you up and that you need to bite him and take the money.And that your car is power by coking oil.And that you win the game when you get the check and donated.