Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mini Game

This mini game has been the best one I done. I made it in soccer because I love to play soccer. I also made the game a little more challenging so you won't get so many points.I made a line so when you get to close to were the soccer ball appears it throws you back from where you started. My game has two decoys in the bottom so you have to dodge them to get points.If you touch them you  loss points.I also like that I added a start page to play the game. This helps me understand that I can make a game in a week so I have too be able to finish my own game that I will make later.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Play to Learn Part 2

What I learn from this games is, if you want a fun and educating game I think action would be the best genre. For example the game math sports its a fun game but at the same time your learning math and also to see how fast you can solve the equation. The game features that stood out I think were that in the game flood escape is that after the first level the character jumps higher and falls down slower also what I like about some games were that they had a movie clip or story that goes with the game. Another thing that I like where that the character move his feet on two of the games that I play. One questions that I have for the creators is what was their first idea for their game and how they made it better as they thought of new ideas?

Monday, November 26, 2012

Present your hidden object game

My learning topic of my game is history, I want the player to learn the weapons use in the civil war and the items. That's the most important thing for me for the player to learn. I research the uniforms use in the war, the weapons, and ships. I learn that at first the confederate side didn't have an official uniform, and many were sometimes seen as the enemy because they would wear navy blue clothes.The unions official uniform was a navy blue color that's why confederate army soldiers who wore navy blue clothes were seen as the enemy.The idea that will make this game fun is the objects are hidden pretty good and one moves through out the screen. Before I made the complete game my first ideas were good but I found better ways to make the game  more challenging.One of my first ideas was to have a ship in the ocean, but then I decide it would be better without it because it would take to much time to draw and take to much space.
        I think the best game ingredients for me was the timer.The timer was very helpful because they would have to make the best effort to find the objects before the time ran out.
        For me the most difficult part of the game was the timer going to the lose screen and staying there. The problem was that the time ran out and go to the lose screen then after a couple of seconds it would go to the win screen.I couldn't over come the problem even after I move the layers around and check the code for errors.It frustrate me because it would keep on changing screens.
        The  best features of my game are the clouds moving form side to side.It was very simple because I only needed to create a motion tween for it to move.I also think one of my best features is that the objects are camouflage with the background so they are hard to see.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Add Game Ingredients

The ingredients that I added to my are the score. For every object that you find you will get one point, you need to find them all which there are ten objects. When you find the ten objects you will go to a win screen. It has a button to play the game again. Another ingredient that I added was a win or lose screen. You win by getting all the objects in time and you lose when the time runs out. The timer was another ingredient in my game, you have forty seconds to find all the objects, but if you don't you lose the game and you will have to start all over. I try to hide the objects the best I could trying to find somewhere well they won't be notice immediately when you play the game.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hidden Objects

This is the first time that I made a hidden game, but to me it seems like its coming out good so far. Some of the actions that I would like to add to the objects that after you get all the objects you will go to a win screen that I will make in my game. The actions on the objects right now are very simple you click on them and they disappear. What to longer on making the objects were to draw them and coloring them. Putting in the actions was very simple. Now I have to combined the objects and the background together to see where to hide the objects.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Paper Prototype Drawing Background

The background for my hidden game is on the sea sore with mountains and there is fire in the background. I like it because I think its good for the hidden objects that I choice. I think this is going too be a great game and its the first time I have done a hidden game object so let's see how it goes. I took my time on the colors for the game because I wanted too make it more realistic. It took a lot of work to get the color that I wanted in the game, but it was wort it.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Making paper prototype

The paper prototype help me solve get an idea what the game scene. It help me get an idea were I want to hide the objects. I also drew the objects depending on how they would look I got an idea of how to hide them.The paper portotype was a lot of help for the game because it gave me an idea on the game and how to hide the iteams even better. I made the paper prototype on the seasore on a battle scene to make it more hard for the palyer to find the ideams. I think the paper prototype is a lot of help because when you work on it on flash you could have more ideas on the game on how to make it better.

  • Monday, October 1, 2012

    Excitement in my hidden game

    The thing that excites me about the hidden game is that is the first one that I am going to make and I seen some other games and they gave me great ideas. My game is going to be on the Civil War some of the items that you need to look for are going to be the guns, uniforms and more. The scene were I am going to hide the objects is going to be in a battle by the sea. I want to do that scene because there were ships use in the Civil War.I am also excited because I get to do this game by my self so I won't have to depend on some one also to do half the work.

    Thursday, September 27, 2012

    Choose learning topic

    I like what I am going to make my hidden game on. Its going to be on Social Studies on the Civil War. The objects that I am going to hide are the uniforms for both the Union side and the Confederate side. The scene the the uniforms are going to be in is on a factory and also the battle field. I am going to add different uniforms on the game that are incorrect to make the game a little more challenging. Another hidden object that is going to be in the game are the weapons that were use in the war. I am doing the same thing like the uniforms, I am putting other weapons that were use in battle and others that weren't. The scene for the weapons is going to be in a weaponerie room and also the battle field.In the game you are going to have three chances to choose on the correct obeject.If you get three wrong you will loss and start again.

    Tuesday, September 25, 2012

    Game review

    What I learn from playing this hidden games was that they need some type of score or time to win the game. So ideas that I like from these games where that they give u time. Or if you don't click the right word you loss points. The game "Kitty Math!" is cool because at the beginning of the game there is a movie clip. I would like also for my game to be a story like "Kitty Math!". I would add sound to my game and a score to make it more fun and also add time to make the game more challenging. My game would be about cleaning the ocean or matching words that go with a sentence. I would like for my game to be two levels. The idea of clicking the wrong thing and losing a point and also making the idea that was correct come back. I would also just give the three chances for them clicking on the wrong item.

    Monday, September 17, 2012

    Back to School

    This year it has been good so far I have meet new students. What I am looking forward for this year is the school to have the soccer field year before soccer season starts. The new challenges I have to deal with are getting to get to the classes in time because they make us go around the whole school. The thing that I like about this year is that we have a gym in the school. So this year we can take our physical class inside. What I would like for this school to have soon is a cafeteria so we can each lunch in cafeteria instead of inside the gym.
      Last year was a better year for me because my classes were smaller and I could get more help if I had trouble in something. Even thought last year our cam past was smaller it was still better because we could get to the classes in time. What we did need last year was the gym and some space to practice soccer or football. The wiki has change a lot from last year and it is a little more complicated.
      Another good thing we got this year was an auditorium so we can all meet there when the school is having a special event. The school this year is messing a main office.This year im going to make it a better year in my classes I want to get better grades then last year so I can get into a High school with no problem.

    Friday, May 11, 2012

    My Game

    My final game is a platform game about an oil spill.In our game the hero is a diver in both level but they are both different.What I like about my game was that we made coins in the game that you could pick up.I also like that the game was a platform game, it was my first time doing a platform game.The last thing I like about my game is that It has two levels, this also my first time making a game with two levels and its a lot more work that a game with just one level. The things that I could of done different in my game was to make the hero move to one side then flip back to the other side because in the game you can move back and forward but were the hero is looking at stays the same. I didn't like that there were not enough enemies to make the game fun. In the first level there were only two enemies and in the last level there was only one enemy. That made the game easy to beat.What I would also change in my game it would be the background there is only a blue background to represent the ocean whatever and oil waves.In the first level I did some underwater plants in the game to make it look more as if you were underwater.The problem with that was that the plants that I drew were only in one place and they didn't go all the way through the game.

    Thursday, May 10, 2012

    Final Game Reflection

    What I learn this year in Globaloria was how to make platform games.Making a platform game was fun because I could of made as many levels as I wanted, add coins to the game, and also I could of add enemies in the game. Throughout the year what I learn was how to combined the codes together to make a hero or enemy move different ways or to pick up coins. This year I am better at solving problems on my own because I have more experience with flash. The year before I didn't know what flash was so I had to learn to do basic things and get help more often. This year I can find the problem in the code or in the actual game.In the Wiki there are wiki tips that show us how to make a button work or the code to make the platform game work. What I learn this year about my topic game is that every year we loss millions of gallons of oil in land or in the ocean. When there is and oil spill its a disaster because if the oil spill happens in land it can kill animals but also run off into a river,lake, or an aquifer.When it happens in the ocean the oil spreads fast and kills aquatics animals and affect sea shores. I personally like to work in a team better but I am better at fixing a problem by myself. I like to work in a team because we can come out with more ideas for the game or if one partner can't fix a problem maybe this partner might know how to fix the problem. I think this year it was better for me to work in a team because we could of get the game done in time. This year the most challenging part of Globaloria this year was making the platform game. It was difficult because it was the first time I did it and also because there we so many codes for the game to work for the hero, the flag, and the coins. If one code is not correct the game might not work at all or there would be something that is working incorrect. The other part that was difficult in Globaloria was to make the buttons for my final game because they need to have the exact instance name in the code as in the library. The code for the buttons was hard because you had to put the code on each layers the buttons was going to take you to.

    Tuesday, February 7, 2012

    Platform Game Project

     I have enjoy  this project because when I got the code to work looking that the game works, and she that it does work.I also had some difficult getting the code to work and my hero to do what it was supposed to be doing.It would only jump, but it would not move left to right and my friend help me find the mistake and she got it work.
                   What I learn in this project is that I know that a platform game is that the ground moves and the character doesn't it stays in the same place while the background moves. Also I learn what the codes mean and that you can make notes in the actions script layer to remind you later what the code that you are going to     invade. Another thing that I learn was that in the platform game you have to make the ground outside the screen because it is going to move, not the character.
                My favorite thing about this project is to play my game and see that it is working. To be able to help friends around that need help or that don't know what the problem is.
               My less favorite thing about this game is going into the actions script when my game isn't working and go trough all the seventy five  line with codes. I hate that because everything has to be perfect for the game to be working how it is supposed to.
               I think this is a challenging project because we have just got the game to move left to right and to jump. We still have to add enemies to the game and more codes to get it to work so that are some reasons why I think this is a challenging project.

    Thursday, January 5, 2012


    What I did for the holidays in 2011 was: In Christmas I went to Waco to visit my family.We open the presents at 12:00a.m and to pictures.On new years I went with my dad. I was with my brothers watching tv waiting for 12:00am for new years to blow up the fire works.We ate grapes for new years and for each grape we made a wish for 2012.